all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 4AA 41 10 51.522213 -0.045326
E1 4AB 16 0 51.521562 -0.048871
E1 4AD 6 0 51.522463 -0.048991
E1 4AE 37 0 51.524218 -0.049594
E1 4AF 47 0 51.52252 -0.050257
E1 4AG 18 0 51.522585 -0.046045
E1 4AH 46 1 51.522265 -0.047357
E1 4AJ 50 1 51.522835 -0.047577
E1 4AL 33 1 51.522835 -0.047577
E1 4AN 22 0 51.523268 -0.048164
E1 4AP 30 0 51.522346 -0.048463
E1 4AQ 16 5 51.521841 -0.047146
E1 4AR 36 0 51.522229 -0.048958
E1 4AS 40 0 51.523345 -0.049545
E1 4AT 35 0 51.523483 -0.049207
E1 4AU 7 0 51.523583 -0.05089
E1 4AW 5 0 51.52195 -0.048338
E1 4AX 65 3 51.523236 -0.051007
E1 4AY 19 0 51.523174 -0.050114
E1 4AZ 6 0 51.522842 -0.051224